Wednesday, January 15

The annual Women's Inter-Regional Bowls tournament will be held at the Albany Bowling Club from Friday 26 to Sunday 28 August.

The Inter-Regional was originally started by Doc Louw and Russell Geard from Port Alfred, in order for all the different areas in the Eastern Cape to play against one another for the honour of being the top region for that year.

This year's tournament will see 16 women's teams taking part. The regions taking part in the tournament are, East London Districts (three teams), EP Districts (three), Eastern Areas – Grahamstown, Port Alfred, Kenton and Kowie – (three), Midlands (two), Frontier (two), Ciskei (two), and North Eastern Districts (one).

The tournament will start with an opening ceremony at noon on Friday, with play commencing at 1.55pm.

A Steak Evening and music will take place after Saturday's matches. Organiser, Gwen Bartlett said the community is invited to join the club for the steak evening.

The tournament ends on Sunday at 1pm with the prize-giving function.

For more information on the steak evening or to purchase tickets, contact Gwen on 084 487 5460.

The annual Women's Inter-Regional Bowls tournament will be held at the Albany Bowling Club from Friday 26 to Sunday 28 August.

The Inter-Regional was originally started by Doc Louw and Russell Geard from Port Alfred, in order for all the different areas in the Eastern Cape to play against one another for the honour of being the top region for that year.

This year's tournament will see 16 women's teams taking part. The regions taking part in the tournament are, East London Districts (three teams), EP Districts (three), Eastern Areas – Grahamstown, Port Alfred, Kenton and Kowie – (three), Midlands (two), Frontier (two), Ciskei (two), and North Eastern Districts (one).

The tournament will start with an opening ceremony at noon on Friday, with play commencing at 1.55pm.

A Steak Evening and music will take place after Saturday's matches. Organiser, Gwen Bartlett said the community is invited to join the club for the steak evening.

The tournament ends on Sunday at 1pm with the prize-giving function.

For more information on the steak evening or to purchase tickets, contact Gwen on 084 487 5460.

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