Despite a slight setback on her first day at Ntsika Secondary School, new principal Madeleine Schoeman says the move from Victoria Girls High School has gone smoothly.
"The teachers, pupils and parents have warmly welcomed me to the school," Schoeman said.
But she faced near-disaster on her first day, at the start of the second term.
"On Monday, when I arrived in my office, there was no kettle," Schoeman said.
"So I sent an sms to my former secretary at VG. She and [Warren] Schmidt, [acting principal at VG]both arrived with a kettle for the school. That was such a great relief!" she chuckled.
Schoeman has already identified areas for improvement at the school.
Regular staff meetings and school assemblies, access to information and security are areas Schoeman plans to address.
"Obviously the changes cannot be made overnight and I cannot implement them on my own," Schoeman said. "I am fortunate to have such incredible teachers to assist me in taking this school to greater heights."
Another thing Schoeman plans to address is recognition for good teachers.
"There are good teachers in our community who are not being recognised. Teachers at this school, such as Mrs Jack, the former acting principal, have done an incredible job of running the school," said Schoeman.
Despite a slight setback on her first day at Ntsika Secondary School, new principal Madeleine Schoeman says the move from Victoria Girls High School has gone smoothly.
"The teachers, pupils and parents have warmly welcomed me to the school," Schoeman said.
But she faced near-disaster on her first day, at the start of the second term.
"On Monday, when I arrived in my office, there was no kettle," Schoeman said.
"So I sent an sms to my former secretary at VG. She and [Warren] Schmidt, [acting principal at VG]both arrived with a kettle for the school. That was such a great relief!" she chuckled.
Schoeman has already identified areas for improvement at the school.
Regular staff meetings and school assemblies, access to information and security are areas Schoeman plans to address.
"Obviously the changes cannot be made overnight and I cannot implement them on my own," Schoeman said. "I am fortunate to have such incredible teachers to assist me in taking this school to greater heights."
Another thing Schoeman plans to address is recognition for good teachers.
"There are good teachers in our community who are not being recognised. Teachers at this school, such as Mrs Jack, the former acting principal, have done an incredible job of running the school," said Schoeman.