Now that the 18 May municipal elections are less than a month away, we have created a space on Facebook where you can voice your opinions and queries about what is – or isn't – going on.'s>

Now that the 18 May municipal elections are less than a month away, we have created a space on Facebook where you can voice your opinions and queries about what is – or isn't – going on.'s>

Making a decision about whose name you put your mark next to on your ballot paper is far more than just drawing an 'x' and hoping for the best. By sharing your knowledge and listening to that of others in Makana, you can make an informed decision about who will be governing your area, and hopefully get the best results out of your vote.'s>

If you have questions, complaints, or just feel the desire to have your say regarding the past and future of Makana Municipality's government, then please participate in the Makana Election Connexion Facebook Forum 's>

Also, visit our Election Connexion section on Grocott's Online to be kept informed about the latest news relating to the elections in Grahamstown, as well as find out who the current councilors are in each ward (and get their phone numbers!), who's running for each ward and where the polling stations are.

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