The Wildlife and Environment Society of South Africa (Wessa) invites you to a talk about one of our most charismatic mammals, the leopard.

The Wildlife and Environment Society of South Africa (Wessa) invites you to a talk about one of our most charismatic mammals, the leopard.

Jeannine McManus works with the Landmark Foundation Leopard and Predator Project and will be explaining more about its work.

This project is based on the premise that farmers generally only persecute leopards and other predators due to the economic pressures exerted on them through their forced co-existence in the habitats of predators.

The foundation runs a research programme on leopards and other predators in the Eastern and Western Cape, and aims to promote biodiversity conservation by ensuring that the entire landscape (both protected and privately owned) becomes more predator-friendly.

Since November 2002, 34 leopards are known to have been lost to gin traps, snares and hunting dog packs in the focus area.

Since March 2004, the foundation has successfully rescued 33 leopards which would have otherwise been killed. Date: Friday 20 August, 7.45pm Place: Botany Lecture Theatre, Rhodes University. Refreshments will be provided.

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