Jenny Brand will be playing the clarinet in the Juan, Mariel and Friends concert on Tuesday 17 August. Grocott’s Mail put some quick questions to her to fi nd out just how she makes music.
Jenny Brand will be playing the clarinet in the Juan, Mariel and Friends concert on Tuesday 17 August. Grocott’s Mail put some quick questions to her to fi nd out just how she makes music.
What’s your greatest ambition in life?
To be a worthy follower of Christ, and to be the best mother possible to my 11- year old daughter. Tell us something about you that nobody else knows. I actually can sleep late!
What’s your most embarrassing moment?
It’s never happened, but the nightmare that I walk on stage and realise I don’t know the music, or I practised the wrong music and my instrument starts falling apart as I play… horrible, isn’t it?
How does Grahamstown rock for you?
The fact that it’s so close to the sea, and has a beautiful surrounding area, does it for me. And it’s quite close to my family’s holiday house in Keurboomstrand! Now I get to go there much more often than they do…
If there was one thing that you could change about Grahamstown, what would it be?
I would love everybody to be conscious of the environment and not litter.
If you could be mayor for a day what would you do?
Clean up Grahamstown, and make littering punishable by death! No that’s a joke, but at least dish out hefty fines, and make them clean up the town for the rest of the year. But then I’ll have to be mayor for a year! Oh dear, you won’t want that..
Who are your top three dinner guests?
My late husband Jurgens who was extremely entertaining and funny, Johan Botha, 50/50 presenter/producer and opera fundi, and Sabine Meyer, world renowned clarinettist, who nearly brought the Berlin Phil to a fall! (Karajan appointed her and the orchestra consists of only male members. They were furious, speak of gender discrimination!)
If you were stranded on a desert island, what three things would you take with you?
My Bible, seeds to plant fruit and veggies and my daughter!
If you could come back as a cartoon character what would it be? What word best describes you?
Reliable, I hope..
What is your favorite recipe?
A baked cheesecake recipe of my late mother, it’s delicious!
What is the best thing about Grahamstown?
People actually attend and appreciate classical music concerts!
And the worst?
It’s dirty…
What do you do in your spare time?
I love to spend time in nature, with my child and our Dachshund.
What are you reading at the moment?
Die Afrikaners by Prof Hermann Giliomee, and Eat right for your type by Dr J D’Adamo, a book about the blood group diet.
What’s your favorite CD?
Frits de Groot’s Dreams and Angel’s Wings. It’s the most unusual gospel music. He writes all his music himself,
has a lovely voice and is an excellent classically trained guitarist.