MID 1st century philosopher, Seneca, once said “good luck happens when preparedness meets  opportunity”. This statement certainly rings true for Avis’ experience of the 2010 Fifa World Cup, which saw the car rental company record a significant growth in excess of current trends over the same period last year.

MID 1st century philosopher, Seneca, once said “good luck happens when preparedness meets  opportunity”. This statement certainly rings true for Avis’ experience of the 2010 Fifa World Cup, which saw the car rental company record a significant growth in excess of current trends over the same period last year.

Their chief executive Wayne Duvenage says being prepared was key to Avis’ success during the World Cup. What appeared to be a slow start with May not producing the expected “build up” volume, momentum gained as the much anticipated event became a reality.

While rentals to Fifa and other support groups boosted business, it was ultimately the fans who took the foreign inbound segment to around 200% growth during this period.

For Avis, the successful World Cup event has not been a mere four-week affair, but a long-term strategy impacting on the future of tourism.

Avis will be looking to assist its Brazilian counterparts with knowledge sharing to ensure their World Cup in 2014 is as successful as the event hosted in South Africa.

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