Liesl-Maret Jacobs will be performing the Bach Concerto in D minor BWV1052 with the Rhodes Quintet in the opening concert of Juan, Mariel, and Friends on 25 July, at 7:30pm at the St Andrew’s College Drill Hall.
She will also be presenting a piano teaching workshop on 26 July from 2 to 4.30pm at the Rhodes University Music Department.
Liesl-Maret Jacobs will be performing the Bach Concerto in D minor BWV1052 with the Rhodes Quintet in the opening concert of Juan, Mariel, and Friends on 25 July, at 7:30pm at the St Andrew’s College Drill Hall.
She will also be presenting a piano teaching workshop on 26 July from 2 to 4.30pm at the Rhodes University Music Department.
What’s your greatest ambition in life?
To live every day to the fullest with and attitude of excellence in mind, both personally and professionally.
Who are your three top dinner guests?
Roger Federer, Mark Shuttleworth and Meryl Streep. If you were stranded on a desert island, what three things would you
take with you?
My dog, a pen and notebook, and chocolate!
What word best describes you?
What is your favourite recipe?
Main course: oxtail stew Pudding: Roly-poly pudding
What is the best thing about Grahamstown?
Architecture and the Arts Festival.
And the worst?
The cold winters.
What do you do in your spare time?
Build puzzles, walk on the beach, read books on gardening.
What are you reading at the moment?
Eat, Pray, Love by Elizabeth Gilbert A History of South Africa by Frank Welsh
What’s your favourite CD?
Anyone with the tenor Ian Bostridge, especially Schubert’s songs.