Balls were flying this weekend as learners from Grahamstown and Port Elizabeth schools participated in a hockey coaching clinic at the St Andrew’s Webster Astro.
The clinic was organised by members of the Rhodes University Hockey Club’s first team, who remained in Grahamstown for the winter holidays.
Balls were flying this weekend as learners from Grahamstown and Port Elizabeth schools participated in a hockey coaching clinic at the St Andrew’s Webster Astro.
The clinic was organised by members of the Rhodes University Hockey Club’s first team, who remained in Grahamstown for the winter holidays.
Hockey players Clive Eley, Geoff Howorth, Dieter Schlange and Greg Wilmot presented the course. They were pleased with the turn out over the two days, said Wilmot, “particularly since it was school holidays and the final two days of the Arts Festival.”
The clinics were split into two groups, one for boys and girls in grades one to seven, and another for learners in grades eight to 12.
On Saturday, the first day of the clinic, there were 13 juniors and 12 seniors, and on Sunday there were 16 juniors and five seniors.
The children came from St Andrew’s College, St Andrew’s Preparatory , DSG, Victoria Girls High School, and Kingswood, and from Port Elizabeth.
Wilmot said the focus of the clinic “is on helping young players (including novices) develop skills”. The clinic covered a wide variety of skills, from basic hitting and stopping to more advanced and technically challenging skills.
“There was an emphasis on giving the participants knowledge and skills they would be able to practice in their own time and during organised schools practices”, said Wilmot.
The skills were demonstrated and practiced through drills and games to include an element of fun and enjoyment. Wilmot added that the feedback from the participants was “very positive”.