An insuffi cient water supply at Waainek Dam is an ongoing problem affecting parts of the industrial area. Two months ago, Grocott’s Mail reported that parts of the industrial area had been left high and dry for almost two weeks.
An insuffi cient water supply at Waainek Dam is an ongoing problem affecting parts of the industrial area. Two months ago, Grocott’s Mail reported that parts of the industrial area had been left high and dry for almost two weeks.
The problem has surfaced again. An agitated resident said that they have had no water for about three weeks and that her family has been struggling without a proper water supply.
Mornings are especially diffi cult as they have to boil large amounts of water, which increases their electricity bill, and have to wash using a camping shower.
She has informed the municipality of the water shortage and was referred to a technician who confi rmed that the municipality is indeed carting water to the prison.
“I’m not happy. Why can’t these guys install proper pipes from the Fish River to the Waainek Dam, where they will be able to pump in enough water?” she asked.
She added that the water fl ow has been sporadic and when they do get water, it is just enough to fl ush the toilets but not to take showers or wash clothes.
The area commissioner for the Grahamstown Correctional Centre, Nozipiwo Dumbela confi rmed that the centre has been having problems with their water supply.
She said the problem has remained unsolved for two weeks. “We are handling it with the municipality, there is no crisis,” Dumbela said, adding that the municipality is delivering water to the town centre.
Makana Municipal spokesperson, Thandy Matebese said that the cause of the problem is the extremely low water levels of Waainek Dam which has mostly affected the industrial area including the Grahamstown Correctional Centre and Impec.
Matabese said an extra pipe will be installed that will pump water exclusively from the Fish River to the industrial area, alleviating the pressure off the existing pump that will be supplying water to the rest of the town. In the meantime, the municipality is transporting water in tanks to the affected areas.