The Makana Brick Grocott’s Mail Cycle Tour takes place in just 12 weeks and Grocott’s Mail will publish a seven week performance programme to prepare participants.

The Makana Brick Grocott’s Mail Cycle Tour takes place in just 12 weeks and Grocott’s Mail will publish a seven week performance programme to prepare participants.

In order to maximise the benefit that you will gain from the seven week programme, as well as to set you off on the right track to your personal best time, it’s recommended that you spend the winter months building up your aerobic capacity.

With this in mind,  the ideal training is referred to as Long Steady Distance (LSD) training. This comprises regular rides at a steady pace, over gradually increasing distances.

By continuing to ride on a regular basis, following the LSD principle, the body will steadily adapt to the task, meaning that riding will not only become more enjoyable, but greater distances will be achieved with less fatigue.

This will also allow you to carry some form into the spring, without the need to start from scratch in the race buildup. In terms of winter training, there are
a few principles that should be followed to ensure both training effectiveness and ride safety:

• It gets light later and dark earlier. Take note of the times of sunset and sunrise before setting out, and if you are going to be out on the road when it’s dark, be sure to have lights fitted to your bike and wear reflective clothing. It is also recommended to ride into the light (morning rides) rather than vice versa.

• Dress in layers for the cold. Dressing in layers allows you to remove clothing when you warm up, rather than overheat.

• Just because its cold, does not mean you don’t need to drink! Hydration is just as important in the cold. Having something warm in your first bottle is not a bad option, as this may be more appealing when its cold!

• Warming up the legs is even more important in cold weather. Allow yourself to spin along in a low gear for a while, gradually building up until you are warm enough to use the faster gears.

The next article will include information on nutrition, for both racing and training, as well as details on group rides and other training options leading up to the race.

For more information on the Makana Brick Grocott’s Mail Cycle Tour contact Devin on ghtcycle@gmail. com. Good luck with the winter training! Suppiled by Rhodes Cycling Club

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