It’s that time of the year again when Grahamstonians are asked to look around them for special citizens
who are serving our community above and beyond the call of duty.
It’s that time of the year again when Grahamstonians are asked to look around them for special citizens
who are serving our community above and beyond the call of duty.
The 2010 Grahamstown Citizen of the Year Award nomination process is in full swing, and the organisers of the event, the Rotary Club of Grahamstown Sunset are seeking nominations from the public of local heroes who are doing extraordinary service.
The Citizen of the Year Award was started in 2000 to recognise and honour local citizens who are examples of the Rotary maxim “service above self ”.
As usual, the Grahamstown Citizen of the Year will be announced at a gala banquet held this year on 17 September.
Rotarian Daphne Timm is busy planning the spectacular décor that has become a hallmark of this prestigious Grahamstown event.
The theme is traditionally kept a secret, and only revealed on the night of the banquet when the curtain of Guy Butler Auditorium cue is lifted on the glittering scene.
This year, she is changing the format, but isn’t giving away any details. “It’s going to be completely different it will be spectacular, that’s all I’m prepared to say!” says Timm.
The Rotary Club of Grahamstown Sunset has once again secured the support of sponsor, Pepper Grove Pick n Pay.
Former Citizen of the Year for 2002, and co-owner of Pepper Grove Pick n Pay, Mark Shelton, supports the event for the fourth year in a row with a sponsorship which will secure the prizes: cash amounts which are awarded to charities of the finalists’ choice.
The closing date for nominations is 21 August. Criteria for nomination include the following: someone who creates a sense of civic pride in the citizens of the town; someone who serves the community selflessly and without thought of reward; someone who inspires us with their courage and determination; someone who improves the quality of life of others by giving service above and beyond the call of duty, in any walk of life; someone who has achieved an extraordinary success, and brought honour to our town.
“We really need the people of Grahamstown to tell us about people doing selfless work out there,” says Rotarian Tim Dold.
The nomination forms can be obtained from Pick n Pay, Pam Golding Properties or PG Glass. Tickets for the fabulous gala dinner-dance can be bought at Pam Golding Properties. In the meantime get those nominations in!