This year’s Festival Fringe Productions will be given a chance to receive some special recognition
through the Standard Bank Ovation Awards for the first time this year.
This year’s Festival Fringe Productions will be given a chance to receive some special recognition
through the Standard Bank Ovation Awards for the first time this year.
The judges will be on the lookout for productions that are “strong, diverse and original”. Acclaimed theatre journalist Adrienne Sichel, who is the winner of the 2009 Alan Kirkland Soga Lifetime Achiever Mondi Shanduka Award presented by the Newspaper Association of South Africa, will be in charge of assembling the judges who will decide on the winning productions.
The judges will consist of “knowledgeable and specialist arts professionals” and will remain anonymous until the winning productions are announced.
The criteria that each of the productions must consist of are: strength of the production; quality of performances; writing and directing; conceptualisation; innovation and originality; potential longevity; and overall impact.
Nominations will be made by the journalists who are reviewing Fringe shows for Cue. Each of the winning productions will receive R5 000, sponsored by Standard Bank and many more prizes and Cue will announce the winners on the last day of the Festival.