After almost three months of no comment on the matter, Makana Municipality held a special council meeting yesterday to consider its position on the proposed move of the seat of the High Court from Grahamstown
to Bhisho.
The municipality was approached by the Grahamstown High Court Action Committee’s chairperson, the Most Reverend Thabo Makgoba to lobby support for the campaign to retain the seat of the High Court in Grahamstown.
After almost three months of no comment on the matter, Makana Municipality held a special council meeting yesterday to consider its position on the proposed move of the seat of the High Court from Grahamstown
to Bhisho.
The municipality was approached by the Grahamstown High Court Action Committee’s chairperson, the Most Reverend Thabo Makgoba to lobby support for the campaign to retain the seat of the High Court in Grahamstown.
In a letter to Municipal Manager Ntombi Baart, Makgoba wrote that the move would mean an immediate reduction of 75% of the number of people under its jurisdiction.
“Many businesses in town will no longer be financially viable and this in turn will severely impact on the municipality and its ability to deliver to all citizens,” he wrote.
Makana Mayor Vumile Lwana briefly addressed the council on the matter, saying that the regional branch of the ANC is “saying no to the move".
He also said that there is no sober person who would support this move”. Lwana believes that it is important to read up and source the details surrounding this matter in order to rally against the government’s decision.
DA councillor Michael Whisson said that his party fully endorses the recommendations set out in the report for the special council meeting.
The recommendations are that the council comments on the proposed amendments to the Superior Courts Bill and makes a submission to the Minister of Justice, Jeff Radebe, and the Constitutional Development Portfolio Committee before Wednesday 30 June.
This is the due date for submissions by any people or organisations who wish to comment. Whisson also suggests that a special delegation led by the Mayor and the Municipal Manager be constituted to meet the Minister and the Chairperson of the Justice and Constitutional Development Portfolio Committee to make a representation on behalf of Makana Municipality.
Whisson proposed that a further recommendation be added for the council to endorse the letter and memorandum written by Rev Makgoba, which he said was well constructed and reflects all the feelings surrounding the matter.
ANC Councillor Zamuxolo Peter said, “We have our own internal processes to be undertaken. Let us not have a delegation visiting the minister, but the mayor could facilitate the Minister or a representative from his office to come down" and engage with council on this matter.
DA Councillor Les Reynolds said that it is not likely that the Minister would find time to come down at such late notice.
“Be careful not to miss this opportunity to see him assuming that he will come down to Grahamstown,” he said.
Lwana said the issues Reynolds raised have merits. He added that by no later than Thursday afternoon, his office would make contact with the Minister’s office, so that the councillors are not left with any questions when they go home. The public will therefore hear the outcome of this decision in due course.