As South Africa is positioned to host the Fifa World Cup, anticipation, excitement, nerves, patriotism
and energy are building. Can you feel it?!

As South Africa is positioned to host the Fifa World Cup, anticipation, excitement, nerves, patriotism
and energy are building. Can you feel it?!

The Heart and Stroke Foundation South Africa (HSFSA) has 10 important health tips for all South Africans before the official kickoff:

• Don’t become a World Cup binge drinker. It is easy to get caught up in the festivities and drink excessively during this time but consider your health and celebrate in style, not in a stupor! Moderate drinking is advised for both men and women as excessive drinking increases your risk of high blood pressure, among other drawbacks.

• Know your numbers! It’s important to have your blood pressure, glucose and cholesterol checked to ensure that you are healthy and not at risk of cardiovascular disease. Regular health checks can save your life. Rather be safe than sorry.

• Chill. Chronic stress negatively affects your health and may increase your cardiovascular risk. Stress or overexcitement increases your blood pressure and heart rate so take care. Remember, it is just a game that is meant to be enjoyed, not stressed about.

• Dress warmly as this winter is expected to be a chilly one. So cover up and protect yourself from a cold or flu.
• Stay hydrated! During winter, people tend to drink less water however, in the cold weather your body needs to be even more hydrated, so drink up.

• Snack healthily. Fresh fruit and nuts are a good source of energy, and you’re going to need all the energy you can get. Registered dieticians from the HSFSA recommend eating five portions of fruit and vegetables a day to give you a natural boost.

• Eat three balanced meals every day. Now is not the time to skip breakfast. Stock up on nutritious foods like grains, vegetables and fruit, lean meat, poultry or fish and low fat dairy products.

You can find Heart Mark approved products in store and at various restaurants. Consult www.heartmark. for a detailed list of products endorsed by the HSFSA, their benefits are worth the effort.

• Stop smoking! Note: smoking is not permitted at any of the Fifa soccer stadiums, so now is the best opportunity to quit.

Smoking is the leading cause of premature preventable death and is one of the main risk factors for stroke and heart disease. Smoking exhausts your body and makes you short of breath a lot quicker, so you may stop cheering midway. quit today, you can do it!

• Daily exercise lowers your risk of heart disease and stroke and reduces stress. Get physically active: don’t
just be a couch supporter, but get up, jump, run or leap, do a victory dance (perhaps the diski dance?) before the final whistle blows and see the positive effects on your overall wellbeing.

• Smile, its contagious! With a projected 373 000 tourists expected to visit South Africa during the World Cup, let’s represent our country in the best possible way by being true ambassadors.

The health benefits of smiling are: relieves stress; boosts your immune system; lowers your blood pressure; releases endorphins, natural pain killers and serotonin; makes you look more attractive and helps you stay positive.

With so many great reasons: one can’t help but smile. While we’re cheering for our favourite teams, let’s fight against cardiovascular disease by taking heed of the above tips and adopt a healthier lifestyle today!

Don’t skip a beat and don’t miss a goal. Let the games begin. For more free heart smart advice before, during and after the World Cup, contact one of our registered dieticians from Monday to Friday during office hours on 0860 223 222 or visit www.heartfoundation.

This information was supplied by the Heart and Stroke FoundationSouth Africa

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