The master mind behind the Tiger Titans cricket team, Ross McCreath of St Andrew’s College, has been shortlisted for the international Peter Cruddas Social Innovation Initiative.
As a result, McCreath will be attending a two day social entrepreneurs workshop in London along with the 11 other finalists.
The master mind behind the Tiger Titans cricket team, Ross McCreath of St Andrew’s College, has been shortlisted for the international Peter Cruddas Social Innovation Initiative.
As a result, McCreath will be attending a two day social entrepreneurs workshop in London along with the 11 other finalists.
He will then attend a certificate presentation at Buckingham Palace where all 12 finalists will be in London from 4 to 7 June.
The twelve young social innovators, from around the world, will be in London to celebrate their inspirational achievements in changing the lives of others as part of the Peter Cruddas Social Innovation Initiative, which aims to highlight and encourage positive social change.
The initiative is a pilot project launched by founder of the successful trading firm CMC Markets, Peter Cruddas through his foundation, working in partnership with The Duke of Edinburgh’s Award International Association (IAA).
The young people were chosen as finalists from 35 entries from over 130 countries, demonstrating enterprising attitudes and how they used their Award Participation Programme to benefit a specific section of society.
The finalists’ initiatives range from setting up a foundation to raise money for building wells in developing countries, through to the creation of teaching resources that break down the communication barriers between hearing and non-hearing communities.
Although they are varied in nature, these initiatives all have one thing in common they are perfect examples of how one person can make a difference to a whole community.