Mass white hysteria. Sound familiar? It seems that South Africa has reverted to the pervasive anxiety of the country’s right-wing past.
Mass white hysteria. Sound familiar? It seems that South Africa has reverted to the pervasive anxiety of the country’s right-wing past.
In light of Eugene Terre’Blanche’s death the (mostly) dormant white fear has reawakened and begun to arm itself against Die Swaart Gevaar once again in a frenzy of words and threats at least, if not with regulations and shootings at peaceful protests.
Not all white folk think like this, but there is a tangible feeling of panic in the air. The fear this time is of Farm Murders: black labourers targeting white farmers in particularly violent ways.
The statistics are there: the murder rate for white farmers is eight times higher than the reported average murder rate, and seven times higher than in any other country in the world, according to Freedom Front Spokesperson Pieter Groenewald. Cue the panic.
However, the Mail and Guardian’s recent ET spread highlighted another interesting phenomenon. The abuse, mistreatment and murder of farm labourers by farm workers is also a common occurrence.
The pooh-poohing of the plight of farm workers by many M&G readers is based on the idea that there are no statistics to prove that the abuse is widespread and frequent.
But one needs only to look at the reports: underpayment, physical abuse and even murders that are happening, even if the perpetrators have not been prosecuted.
If we look at it rationally, we will find that there are multiple reasons behind the violence besides a covert black operation to kill us all off spurred on by Malema’s (lack of) vocal talent. Hysteria and inflamed and righteous scuffles outside court houses never lead to anything positive.
We don’t need any more childish word slinging. What every South African needs right now is a calm and logical outlook and an ability to restrain ourselves around doom-mongers and energetic renditions of “Kill the boer”.
But, action is still necessary. Wait! Sit back down and put your machine guns and emigration forms away. Employ some brain activity by taking a look at the real issues still pervasive in every aspect of society: intolerance, disunity and unnecessary violence. Once we’ve managed the art of critical thinking, progression might just be possible.