MAKE your way to the Joza Indoor Sports Centre at 6pm tonight to watch a free screening of More Than a Game, a fi lm which tells the story of how political activists who were unjustly imprisoned on Robben Island in the 60s played soccer.
MAKE your way to the Joza Indoor Sports Centre at 6pm tonight to watch a free screening of More Than a Game, a fi lm which tells the story of how political activists who were unjustly imprisoned on Robben Island in the 60s played soccer.
“They all banded together and tried to survive, enduring some of the harshest conditions known to man, using football as a means to build moral and mutual respect,” producer Anant Singh was quoted as saying.
The screening is part of the Soccer Cinema tour, which is travelling around the country to screen some of the world’s best soccer documentaries.
The team will travel to 50 small towns, villages and townships, spread across all nine provinces, screening the doccies free of charge for anyone who wants to watch.
Soccer Cinema has also arranged three screenings at Rhodes University at Eden Grove Red: 20 April (5.15pm) Offside is about women in Iran who sneak into a stadium to watch a soccer match.
This is highly outlawed and things heat up when they get caught. 27 April (5.15pm) The Game of their Lives tells the story of the North Korean team, the underdogs beating Italy in the 1966 World Cup and kicking them out of the competition.
It’s a beautiful historic and inspiring fi lm with great soccer action. What’s really moving is the interviews with all the Korean players today their thoughts of those times and what the win meant for their country.
4 May (5.15pm) The Other Final takes a look at the two lowest ranking national teams: Montserrat and Bhutan.
This is the story of an ‘other fi nal’ being played by these two teams on the same day as the World Cup fi nal in the mountain area of Bhutan.
The fi lm follows the background and characters of each team – their journey and preparation for the game and, fi nally, the match.
Who is going to win and be 202nd best team in the world? Get more details about Soccer Cinema at or on your phone at