The 2010 Rhodes University graduation ceremonies from 8 to 10 April saw 1 824 students from all six faculties at the university being awarded qualifications.

The 2010 Rhodes University graduation ceremonies from 8 to 10 April saw 1 824 students from all six faculties at the university being awarded qualifications.

A total of 1 145 of these students obtained first-time qualifications, which includes diplomas, certificates and degrees, while 679 graduates received postgraduate qualifications.

Rhodes is particularly proud of the growing number of women students being awarded their tertiary education qualifications.

Of the total number of students graduating this year, 721 are male graduates while 1 103 of them are female graduates.

Within the six academic faculties at Rhodes, the Humanities retain the largest number of graduates at 692 while Commerce has 402.

The number of science graduates is still growing with the faculty recording 321 graduates in 2009 and 338 graduates in 2010.

Rhodes University enjoys one of the highest undergraduate pass rates at a tertiary institution in South Africa.

It also has one of the highest research  outputs per capita of academic staff, making Rhodes a university of choice for postgraduate study.


  Graduation 2009* Graduation2010*
Total number of sTotal number
of students graduatingtudents graduating
1777 679
Total number of male graduates 705 721
Total number of female graduates 1 072 1 103
Racial breakdown:    
Asian 101 71
Black 681 681
Coloured 44 68
White 951 1 004
Students graduating with first
degrees (including diplomas and
1 027 1 145
Students graduating with
postgraduate degrees and diplomas
750 679
Breakdown of graduates across:    
Commerce 394 402
Education 261 260
Humanities 662 692
Law 60 70
Pharmacy 79 62
Science 321 338

* These are the minimum amounts as at 31 March 2010:these numbers may increase throughout the year.

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