The Makana council has accepted the municipality’s annual report with reservations as the council’s oversight committee points to the lack of implementation of the Auditor General’s recommendations, emphasising the need to assess the effectiveness of the municipality’s organisational structure.
The Makana council has accepted the municipality’s annual report with reservations as the council’s oversight committee points to the lack of implementation of the Auditor General’s recommendations, emphasising the need to assess the effectiveness of the municipality’s organisational structure. The final annual report for the 2008/2009 financial year together with the oversight committee’s report were considered during a special council meeting on Friday. The council noted the committee’s report and approved the annual report. The oversight committee resolved at the meeting that the annual report for
the 2008/2009 financial year be accepted with reservation subject to the following conditions:
• The index of the Annual Financial Statements be revised to indicate Accounting Policies that appear on pages AP7 to AP21;
• The recommendations of the Annual Report be regarded as work in progress and Audit Action Plans from each directorate be tabled at the next committee meeting before the end of the financial year (June 30 2010) to assess progress in the implementation of action plans;
• A report regarding capacity challenges in implementing the AG’s recommendations by each directorate be submitted to the meeting mentioned above;
• The municipality reviews the effectiveness of the municipality’s organisational structure;
• During the 2010/11 budget, filling of service delivery related posts be prioritised to ensure the delivery of services to the people;
• There should be a principled approach on the filling of the positions where 70% of appointments would cater for service delivery-related positions and the remaining 30% for administrative positions;
• The top-up for Primary Health Care nurses salaries be looked at in order to avoid the constant resignation from the municipality of professional nurses and;
• The committee’s report showed that no responses were obtained from the public or the provincial treasury.
“Only the Provincial Department of Local Government and Traditional Affairs responded and accepted the report with some corrections on the numbering in the report which were incorporated,” added the report.
The report also said that the corrections of typos and grammatical errors by Democratic Alliance councillor Michael Whisson were also included in the final annual report. The municipality’s Standing Rules of Order presicribes that the oversight committe be established to consider the annual report.
The committee is composed of Pierre Ranchhod, Nosipho Kepe and councillors Nosipho Faltein (chairperson), Monwabisi Fulani, Nomnqweno Mshubeki and Les Reynolds.
An induction workshop for all the members and the municipality’s senior managers was held on 10 March. However, two subsequent meetings which were convened in March did not materialise due to the absence of the members.