The Grahamstown Riding Club hosted a successful multi- disciplinary show on Saturday and Sunday. The two-day competition consisted of ungraded showing, show jumping and dressage as well as graded show jumping and dressage.

In the first ungraded showing class, the Showing Riding Horse, Louise Bowker from Grahamstown took first place on her horse Swazi Lizkhar Winter Jewel.

The Grahamstown Riding Club hosted a successful multi- disciplinary show on Saturday and Sunday. The two-day competition consisted of ungraded showing, show jumping and dressage as well as graded show jumping and dressage.

In the first ungraded showing class, the Showing Riding Horse, Louise Bowker from Grahamstown took first place on her horse Swazi Lizkhar Winter Jewel.

Claire Wardle from Cathcart on Starshine won the Working Riding Pony. The next event, the Showing Riding Pony class was won by Ruth Plaskett from Grahamstown on Silver Streak.

Tracy Andrews from Port Elizabeth on Wind Feather took first in the Working Riding Horse. The Best Trotter event was won by Barker and Winter Jewel with Genevie Groenewald on Samurai coming in second.

The Best Trotter Pony class was taken by Megan du Preez on her pony Rocky II. Plaskett also won the Best Three Gaited Pony class on Silver Streak while the Best Three Gaited Horse class was taken byBowker once again.

The main event, the graded show jumping going from 70cm to 1.30m, was on the second day and was an exciting event to watch.
The winners of the day were as follows: in the Children’s E-grade Welcome Stakes at 70cm was Bridget Ford from Grahamstown riding  Champion.

In the 80cm Welcome Stakes the winner was Morgan Lioyd from Bathurst on Bear Lyn. In the Junior and Adult 80cm Welcome Stakes Kim Schwarz from East London riding Chief architect took first place.

In the 90cm – 1m class second place went to Amy Harris from Bathurst on Love Dimension while Carey
Pohl from Grahamstown on Pohlands Abracadabra took the win.

In the 1.10 – 1.20m class Chris Van Der  Merwe from Jeffreys Bay riding Come Spring came second while Carey Pohl once again took the first place, but this time on Pohlands Lindara.

The Speed and Precision classes, where six of the jumps are judged on time, and the other six on accuracy, were the last of the day.

In the Adult and Junior 80cm class Kim Schwarz on Chief Architect took first place. Amy Harris took second place in the 1m class on her horse Love Dimension while Carey Pohl came in first on Pohlands Abracadabra.

In the 1.10m class Chris Van Der Merwe came second on Come Spring while Carey Pohland once again took first place on Pohlands Lindara.

Pohl also won first place in the next class, the 1.20m this time riding Pohlands Lindomar. The final jumping event, the 1.30m, was taken by Chris Van Der Merwe on Tavanic du Moulin in a faultless clear round.

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