Wednesday, January 15

Earth Hour, the one hour we as humans give the earth a break, takes place on 27 March this year. The question is, will you rally to the cause?

Earth Hour, the one hour we as humans give the earth a break, takes place on 27 March this year. The question is, will you rally to the cause?

Earth Hour started in 2007 in Sydney, Australia with 2.2 million homes and businesses switching off their lights to take a stand against climate change.

In the past two years this number has skyrocketed and taking the pledge to join Earth Hour means you can take a stand against this global crisis.

In 2008 Earth Hour became a global sustainability movement and increased  their participant number to 50 million people across 35 countries.

Last year, Earth Hour was the largest global climate initiative in the world with hundreds of millions of people taking part, across 88 countries and 4 000 cities.

Global landmarks such as Rome’s Coliseum, Sydney Harbour Bridge, The Golden Gate Bridge, Great Pyramids of Egypt, the Acropolis, Eiffel Tower and Cape Town’s Table Mountain were covered in  darkness to show their support.

This year citizens from 85 countries in over 800 cities around the world are switching off their lights for an hour next weekend from 8.30pm to 9.30pm.

“Earth Hour will bring together people from all walks of life and unite countries across the planet to show the world we can work together to resolve the issue of climate change,” said Earth Hour co-founder and executive director, Andy Ridley.

Go to the Earth hour website to take the pledge and make a difference: So far the cities of Cape Town and Durban have signed up to take part, will Grahamstown?

Grocott’s Mail is supporting the campaign for a total blackout in our city on 27 March so let us know if you’re going to switch your lights off.

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