Grocott’s Mail would like to extend our condolences to the family and friends of those who lost their lives in the terrible vehicle accident last Friday.

It is dreadfully sad when four people lose their lives in an collision that could most certainly have been avoided.

Grocott’s Mail would like to extend our condolences to the family and friends of those who lost their lives in the terrible vehicle accident last Friday.

It is dreadfully sad when four people lose their lives in an collision that could most certainly have been avoided.

Surveying the aftermath of the crash one could not help wondering who was at fault. Who is to blame for the death of four people? Finding out will not return those people to their families, but there is a natural human reflex to apportion guilt.

Was it the taxi driver who was travelling too fast or was it the lady in the car who was not paying attention? Why did the taxi burst into flames so suddenly? Is the vehicle manufacturer at fault? We don’t have any answers to these questions so we might never know who was really at fault.

If we were frustrated in our attempts to find out who the villains were, there is no doubt at all about who the heroes are. The Netcare paramedics and ambulance staff were courageous and efficient in getting to the scene and getting down to the task of trying to save lives.

They worked under difficult circumstances while doing their best to rescue the woman who had been driving the car, and they did everything possible to care for the injured who had been travelling in the taxi.

After spending time looking at the accident scene, the wet drive through the mist back into Grahamstown was a nerve wracking experience. A taxi that had just passed the wreckage of the two vehicles had no hesitation in overtaking our vehicle while driving over a double white-line in circumstances where visibility was low.

The crash and the taxi driver’s aggressive reaction to someone who respected the speed limit do not bode well for a merry Christmas. All indications suggest that too many people will remember this festive season as one of road tragedies. 

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