FIFTEEN teams will contest the only soccer league under Makana, the Metropolitan League. The previous Makana LFA leagues consisted of the Metropolitan as well as the Development League.
FIFTEEN teams will contest the only soccer league under Makana, the Metropolitan League. The previous Makana LFA leagues consisted of the Metropolitan as well as the Development League.
However, due to many development teams not paying their membership fees during the last season, the LFA committee has decided to scrap the Development League. Makana Local Football Association (MLFA) secretary, Thandazile Madinda, said that those development league teams who were paid up, will play in the Metropolitan League from this season.
City Pirates were the 2008/09 league winners and, although they had a chance to be promoted to the South African Football Association SAB Cacadu League, they lost the playoff matches and therefore remain in the Metropolitan League. Finishing second in the last season was Santos, while Golden Stars finished
in third spot.
Madinda said they hope to secure a sponsor shortly, which will add to a number of prizes on offer. The league will be made up of two rounds, will each team playing the other 14 in each round. Madinda says the first round should be wrapped up mid-January 2010, and they are scheduled to finish both rounds by early February next year. However, he said that games will be played up to four times a week if need be to catch up.
The 2009/2010 league, which was scheduled to start over the past weekend, will now start on Thursday, due to various problems arrising over the past weekend. Madinda said matches will also be played on Saturday and Sunday. The 2009 part of the season will end on 14 December for the festive break, and then
continue early in January.