The Epoch Optima Trust Mathematics Centre was officially opened at St Andrew’s College recently by David Wylde, past headmaster of the College.
The Epoch Optima Trust Mathematics Centre was officially opened at St Andrew’s College recently by David Wylde, past headmaster of the College.
The Mathematics Centre is actively involved in the St Matthews Mathematics camp and the Leap and Loseby programs which work with students from various Grahamstown township schools.
“The establishment of the Mathematics Centre with the generous funding of the Epoch and Optima Trust has made St Andrew’s and DSG well placed to be leaders in the field of innovative Mathematics teaching and learning.
We look forward to continuing to energise Mathematics Education and strengthening the foundations that have been laid in this first year,” said Dr Mellony Graven, Director of the Mathematics Centre.
Margie Keeton, past DSG pupil and a trustee of the Epoch and Optima Trusts said, “ What Epoch and Optima are asking of schools like these is an end to Cremora-type interventions around maths excellence by which I mean efforts that are ‘not inside, but on top’.
Maths excellence needs to become part of the every day at independent schools, part of their very identity and purpose.
May this maths centre and all the associated work it has already given rise to, truly come to embody the efforts and respective mottos of these great schools – Nec Aspera Terrent and En Avant – just as much as they do for other areas of school life and where boys and girls here aspire to be the best,” Graven concluded.