Various local youth structures gathered at Noluthando Community Hall last Friday to discuss the plans of the youth council summit and elect a new committee.
Various local youth structures gathered at Noluthando Community Hall last Friday to discuss the plans of the youth council summit and elect a new committee.
The youth council summit consists of young people from various Grahamstown structures such as high schools, tertiary institutions, religious structures, political organisations, Wards 1 to 12, sports councils and the Makana arts council.
The purpose of the summit is to provide an overview of the events and reports of the previous year and elect new leaders. In September last year, the youth summit gathered together to elect leaders which were to give a report back on the work they have done the previous year. Deputy secretary, Luzuko Buku read the resoulution of the youth council summit and then everyone was given an opportunity to ask questions and comment about the purpose of the committee. Commenting on the report under discussion, Lindikhaya Ceya from Ward 7 says, "Last year the government concluded that 80% of jobs and tenders by the municipality are supposed to go to Grahamstonies and not people from outside, but I haven’t seen that happening." Makana Mayor, Vumile Lwana didn’t respond to this comment but said "The special programmes unit is to make sure that the youth features in municipal programmes."
Some youth organisations spoke about what they offer to the youth when they are in need. Sibonakaliso Mavuya of Rhodes SRC student benefits and sponsorship, said, "Most youth does not know about the National Students Financial Aid Scheme (NSFAS) when they complete Grade 12 they stay at home because they don’t have money to continue with their studies, as Rhodes SRC and students we are opening doors to the community on spreading the work to the youth that finished Grade 12 to come and enrol with the Rhodes."
The NSFAS makes it possible for school leavers to take out a loan so that they can study further.
The youth were also given an opportunity to elect the new youth council. The elections were conducted by the provincial youth council members, Xola Ngcangca and Phakisho Mooi. The new elected council is as follows, Lungile Klaas (chairperson) Tsepiso Nzayo (secretary), Deputy secretary Luzuko buku, treasurer Siphokazi Tana and additional members Thanduxolo Faxi and Lumka Tyhantsula.