The price of petrol went up at midnight on Tuesday, the ninth increase of this year.
The price of petrol went up at midnight on Tuesday, the ninth increase of this year.
All grades of petrol went up 36 cents per litre, diesel 0.05% sulphur rose by by 35 cents per litre, diesel 0.005% sulphur went up 36 cents per litre, illuminating paraffin (wholesale) 21 cents per litre and illuminating paraffin- at the single maximum national retail price- increased by 28 cents per litre.
During the period between 31 July and 27 August 2009, the average international product prices of petrol, diesel and illuminating paraffin increased.
Therefore the average rand/US dollar exchange rate weakened when compared to the previous period. The average rand/US dollar exchange rate for the period was 7.9913 compared to 7.9840 during the previous period.
The single maximum national retail price with effect from 2 September to 6 October will be 657 cents per litre compared to 629 cents per litre from 5 August to 1 September, that is an increase of 28 cents per litre.
Price changes are adjusted in such a manner that the over or under recovery during the prior month will be corrected in the following month; and the price adjustments consist of the following elements: The unit over or under recoveries are rounded up or down to the nearest full cent so that the effect of rounding contributes to the clearing of the cumulative balance of the individual products on the slate.
Statistics of petrol price change for 2009
Effective from
7Jan09 601.00 576.00 654.35 639.65 496.70 467.60
4Feb09 662.00 637.00 649.35 634.65 482.70 453.60
4Mar09 707.00 682.00 611.35 596.65 456.70 427.60
1Apr09 738.00 713.00 650.85 636.15 451.70 422.60
6May09 735.00 710.00 658.85 644.15 464.70 435.60
3Jun09 750.00 727.00 645.95 632.65 455.70 426.60
1Jul09 790.00 767.00 685.95 672.65 501.70 472.60
5Aug09 769.00 746.00 665.95 652.65 487.70 458.60
2Sep09 805.00 782.00 700.95 687.65 508.70 479.60