A gang of five men, one of whom was armed with a pistol, robbed Pep Stores in Alexandria last week.
A gang of five men, one of whom was armed with a pistol, robbed Pep Stores in Alexandria last week.
The gang hit the store shortly after it opened at about 8.20am. According to police spokesperson Captain Mali Govender, there were four staff members and two customers in the store when the robbers entered the store. “They went through to the front of the store and one suspect produced a pistol and pointed it at the personnel and demanded that the safe be opened,” said Captain Govender. After discovering that there was not enough cash in the safe they demanded that the cash registers be opened. “They took all the cash that was the daily float,” Govender said.
Not satisfied with only the cash, the robbers demanded that a display shelf containing cellphones be opened. They also made off with a DVD player. They packed all the goods and money in suitcases. Before fleeing the scene, the suspects tied up the staff members and the two customers with an extension cord, robbed them of their cell phones and cash. They fled in a blue sedan. No injuries were reported. No arrests have been made but the police are investigating a case of armed robbery.