It’s that time of the year again when hundreds of festinos flood the city, heady with overstimulation as they tackle the arts feast that is the National Arts Festival.
It’s that time of the year again when hundreds of festinos flood the city, heady with overstimulation as they tackle the arts feast that is the National Arts Festival.
Grahamstown restaurants are catering for busy out-of-towners who need to power their laptops and go online while they have a meal before they rush off to the next show. Many people not only check their email, they
also book tickets for Festival shows online, check their daily programme and research performers and shows on the internet.
A handful of restaurants in Grahamstown have a wi-fi connection. These include:
- Spur steak ranch in High Street
- Nando’s in High Street near the Colcade Checkers centre
- Dulće cafe in High Street
- Calabash restaurant (next to Graeme Hotel in High Street)
- Scott’s Spot Bar and Grill in Scott’s Avenue off High Street
- Mad Hatters coffee shop at the top end of High Street
- Wimpy at Pepper Grove Mall
- Rat & Parrot pub/restaurant in New Street
Some of these establishments offer free internet access to customers who dine there, while some require you to buy a voucher. Customers must have their own laptops as no computers are provided.
Grahamstown’s internet cafes are:
- The Internet Cafe, just up the stairs from Aloe X in High Street
- Makana Tourism near the Cathedral in High Street
- Postnet on the corner of Scott’s Avenue and High Street.
Rates start from R10 for 15 minutes.