The Mobile Science Lab (MSL) visited the Grade 8 class at Makana Primary School in Joza on Wednesday. The lab, a private initiative funded by private sector donors is run as a Rhodes University outreach project.
The Mobile Science Lab (MSL) visited the Grade 8 class at Makana Primary School in Joza on Wednesday. The lab, a private initiative funded by private sector donors is run as a Rhodes University outreach project.
Nkosana Yeye, one of the mobile lab teachers gave a presentation on electricity and basic circuit boards to the Grade 8 class at Makana Primary during.
Pupils had the chance to build their own circuit boards, applying theory to practice.
“The Mobile Lab helps me to teach; they give practical lessons in my classes and when I need equipment they provide me with the necessary items on a loan basis,” said Nomsa Zono, a Natural Science teacher at Makana Primary.
The Lab visits Makana Primary School and another six schools twice a month and organises their teaching schedule to coincide with the required teaching curriculum.
Through participation with pupils from previously disadvantaged backgrounds in Grahamstown, the project aims to help both pupils and teachers.
It also provides expertise and laboratory equipment to give pupils practical experience.
Founded in April 2002, the project has steadily increased its range and capacity to offer both resources and expertise.
Initially the project focused on Grade 10, 11 and 12 pupils. In 2008 the project grew to include Grades 8 and 9.
“There was a need to expand, because we realised that by including Grades 8 and 9 in the programme we could lay better educational foundations in the areas of science and biology,” said mobile lab teacher, Abongile Ludwane.