'You hate us and you know who we are", is the messaged left by vandals who broke into the Grahamstown SPCA over the weekend. They also ransacked their office, breaking computers and leaving with a safe.
'You hate us and you know who we are", is the messaged left by vandals who broke into the Grahamstown SPCA over the weekend. They also ransacked their office, breaking computers and leaving with a safe.
SPCA inspector Monwabisi Dingana, who lives on the premises, was the first to discover the break-in at about 7.15am on Sunday. When going about his morning tasks, he said that he noticed that the padlock on the front gate had been broken, leading him to discover a shocking trail of destruction.
The burglars must have broken in sometime between Saturday evening and Sunday morning, he said. The lock and gate to the front office had also been broken and purple graffiti was left on the door and walls.
The vandals had used animal wound spray to deface several walls inside the offices and to write their parting shot on the front door.
SPCA vice chairperson Karen Kouari said that a computer was smashed in the front office and drawers were pulled out and strewn on the floor by intruders who appeared to be looking for something.
The safe was ripped off the wall in the second office and the computer monitor and tower there were also smashed – luckily no files were disrupted, Kouari added. There was an eyewitness in the surgery, but unfortunately the cat named Puddy-put cannot identify the burglars who pulled all the vaccinations out of the fridge onto the floor and spilt milk cartons all over the room.
Neither Kouari nor Dingana had any idea about who could have been responsible for the damage.