Grahamstown police are investigating a case of arson after a fire broke out at Graeme College over on Friday. The fire was initially suspected to have been caused by an electrical fault, but a forensic investigative team excluded this possibility.
Grahamstown police are investigating a case of arson after a fire broke out at Graeme College over on Friday. The fire was initially suspected to have been caused by an electrical fault, but a forensic investigative team excluded this possibility.
According to reports, a staff member who lives across the road from the school, saw smoke coming from the school and called the fire brigade.
The school's principal, Peter Reed said: "The stage curtains were caught alight and generated large amounts of smoke."
When Grocott's Mail arrived at the scene, firefighters from Makana's fire and rescue crew were observed rushing up and down the stairs to the hall roof, to where the fire had spread. Fortunately, they were able to contain the fire before it spread to other school buildings and the main damage was to the main hall whilst some classrooms and the school's honours boards suffered smoke damage.
Dozens of Grahamstown residents and Graeme College pupils were also present at the school grounds to lend a hand, braving the heat and smoke from the school hall where it is believed the fire started. A few hundred metres down the road, next to the school swimming pool, dry grass had caught alight, and Hi-Tec security guards and school pupils were seen filling buckets from the school swimming pool in an effort to put out the fire.
“The fire department, police, Hi Tec and the community were fantastic in helping us," said Reed. "We are now busy dealing with the insurance, Education and Public Works departments." He added that whilst it was inconvenient, school will start on Wednesday and the teaching programme will not be interrupted.
Alternate plans will be made for activities that normally take place in the hall. "It was remarkable, but everything is under control and necessary processes are in place to repair and to continue how we would like to continue," he said.