By Staff Reporter
Makhanda mother Magda Pieterse would like to thank everyone who contributed to the fundraiser for her son, Fernando’s operation. With the support of the townsfolk and Pieterse’s church, the River of Life Church in Makhanda, all the funds needed for Fernando’s surgery were raised.
“We are beyond grateful. He had the operation on Tuesday 20 June and is recovering well. I have no words to describe my gratitude. The love of Jesus in action,” said Pieterse, also thanking Grocott’s Mail for advertising her fundraiser.
Grocott’s Mail reported in April this year that Pieterse had no medical aid and had to raise R38 000 for an operation for young Fernando, who had undescended testes. Fernando had surgery when he was five years old, but that operation was unsuccessful. The latest surgery means Fernando has a great health prognosis.