During these difficult times, we invite you to share on Grocott’s Mail’s Wall of Remembrance the memory of someone close to you who has passed away. Please send a photograph of them, their name, their birth date, the date they passed away and something about them you would like to share (50-100 words). Email to community@grocotts.co.za or WhatsApp to 066 156 2956. For our reference (not for publishing) we need your full name, your relationship to the person you’re writing about, your local address and your contact details (phone number or email). You can also send a longer tribute to share on our website.
27 April 1936 – 28 July 2020
Estelle Brink, much loved mother, grandmother,botanist extraordinaire and friendand mentor to so many in Makhanda andfurther afield, passed away suddenly onTuesday 28 July 2020. She was the curatorof the Schonland Herbarium at the AlbanyMuseum from 1967 until her retirement in1993, after which she continued workingas an unpaid “associate curator” until thebeginning of the Corona-related lockdownin March 2020. She has left a huge gap inmany people’s lives with her passing. Sheloved her work and will be remembered for her fiery spirit.
22 July 1927 to 19 July 2020
We lost my mum, Ouma, Ou-ouma, or just
Dufnieto many friends from Covid19 three
days before her 93rd birthday. She was a
devoted Christian: her big treat was the walk
to the Dutch Reformed Church with a group
of friends on a sunny Sunday morning.
Thank you Ds Strauss de Jager for making
her place of worship such a specialplace.
My mother was a loyal cricket and rugby
supporter; laughed a lot, loved to tell stories
to her children and grandchildren and made
music and chocolates a permanent feature
in our lives.
(Full tribute: https://bit.ly/2XCCAFu)
MVULENI MVULA 5 April 1958 – 27 July 2020Mvuleni Mvula gave back to the townthat raised him. His colourful working lifelaid part of the foundation for his lifelongcalling in the Church. Mvuleni studied andworked in parishes across the country andthe Eastern Cape, but came back home andserved in the Grahamstown Diocese. Hisintegrity and knowledge of the communitymeant he was the perfect person to provideleadership in the Independent ElectoralCommission and he was appointedElectoral Project Co-ordinator in 2001 – aposition he held until this year. He leaves hiswife Nombeko Nakhane, siblings, children,grandchildren, nephews and nieces.(Full tribute: https://bit.ly/2F1Ygoc)
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