If you are serious about losing weight you need to exercise regularly. In conjunction with a healthy eating plan, there is no better way to lose weight, improve muscle tone, reduce stress and keep your weight off.
If you are serious about losing weight you need to exercise regularly. In conjunction with a healthy eating plan, there is no better way to lose weight, improve muscle tone, reduce stress and keep your weight off.
Run/Walk For Life Grahamstown branch is managed by Stephen and Terri-Lynn Penney. Together Stephen and Terri-Lynn have over 39 years of competitive exercise experience and they are willing to share it, whether your goals are to lose weight or increase fitness.
For those who are already fit, through the programme they are able to offer advanced fitness training. Both Terri-Lynn and Stephen received extensive training through Run/Walk For Life head office in Johannesburg, where they qualified as branch managers.
The best way to gain long-term weight control is for the combination of exercise and healthy eating to become a lifelong habit. Studies show that among people who are successful at maintaining their weight loss, more than 90% of them exercise.
Not only does exercise help you lose weight and keep it off, it also helps to control blood pressure, cholesterol levels, diabetes, back pain and other postural disorders.
Begin where you are, not where you want to be. You may only be able to run/walk for a few minutes at a time, but that will change quickly if you are consistent.
The Run/Walk For Life programme consists of a three-times-a-week exercise regime. This allows sufficient time for muscles to recover and facilitates a reduction in risk of injury.
At Run/Walk For Life your performance is monitored individually. Exercise is prescribed in a manner that is tailor-made for you. Vital to the programme is that you don’t over-exercise, and equally, that you don’t under-exercise. In this way it's assured that exercise will be comfortable, enjoyable, as well as being beneficial, especially for weight loss.
Once your eating plan has begun to make you feel good about yourself, you will find that exercise comes naturally. Your heart rate will tell you how intensely you are working out and will help you to pace yourself.
At Run/Walk For Life your heart rate is monitored to ensure you are exercising at the right intensity to achieve maximum benefits. Lose weight because you want to. Do it for yourself: Being slim and feeling good is about being happy with yourself. Losing weight because somebody else wants you to is very difficult to achieve. The decision must come from you. If you truly want this….. you will achieve it.
"Beginning today I will no longer worry about yesterday. It is in the past and the past will never change. Only I can change by choosing to do so.” – Penny Jacqueline White