Belmont Valley resident Vernon Marais will be defending his title of "champion rose grower and exhibitor" when the Albany Horticultural Society stages its annual Grahamstown Flower Festival on Saturday at Oatlands Prep.
Belmont Valley resident Vernon Marais will be defending his title of "champion rose grower and exhibitor" when the Albany Horticultural Society stages its annual Grahamstown Flower Festival on Saturday at Oatlands Prep.
Now again, two members of the Albany Horticultural Society will this week venture into Marais’s expansive garden and select blooms to be entered into the competition on Saturday. Marais may even make an appearance, accompanied by family and friends, as he did last year.
But roses form only a small part of the flower and plant competition at the festival. Orchids, proteas, arum lilies, begonias, carnations, Barberton daisies, pelargoniums, poppies and sweet peas will also be in abundance as judges make their way around the competition hall.
Then there’s the eagerly-awaited children’s flower and plant arranging competition that sees young contestants using flowers, plants and props to come up with some imaginative arrangements.
Here's the full programme for this year's Festival:
3.30pm to 6pm – Exhibitors bring their entries to the competition hall at Oatlands Prep, using the bottom gate (above the sports field).
7.30am to 8.45am – Exhibitors bring their entries to the competition hall, and children prepare their arrangements – use the bottom gate (above the sports field).
9am to 11am – Judging of the plant and flower competitions – halls will be closed to the public during this time.
9am – Gates open to the public (African Street and Luke Street). Entrance fee R20 for adults, R10 for students and scholars, and free for children under 12.
9am – Stalls open. These will exhibit and sell seedlings, plants, natural products, succulents and other garden-related products. Rotarians will sell their venison burgers and wors rolls plus there's a pancake stall and tea garden.
11am – Flower competition halls open to the public
12pm to 12.30pm – Children’s treasure hunt in the grounds of Oatlands Prep.
2pm – Performance by the Pro Carmine Choir.
4pm – Prize-giving.
5pm – Flower festival closes.