The recently adopted financial recovery plan which speaks directly to the service delivery issues and financial troubles faced by Makana Municipality identifies four strategies to turn things around in the embattled municipality.
The recently adopted financial recovery plan which speaks directly to the service delivery issues and financial troubles faced by Makana Municipality identifies four strategies to turn things around in the embattled municipality.
In a special council meeting on Tuesday Council approved the financial plan which is developed in accordance with section 139 (1) (iii) of the Municipal Finance Management Act 56 of 2003.
The ailing municipality has received support from both national and provincial government with the intention of helping the municipality to address some of the huge challenges it faces.
As part of this support Administrator Pam Yako was appointed and a team was sent from the Provincial Department of Corporate Governance and Traditional Affairs to assist in developing a financial recovery plan.
The four strategies involve:
* Enhancing the operations of Makana through organisational realignment, human resource development and restructuring, appropriate comprehensive system of delegation, improved governance and political oversight, and the filling of critical positions including permanently employing a municipal manager and a chief financial officer;
* Improving financial sustainability through budget restructuring, revenue enhancement, growth and management, expenditure management or cost containment, cash management, tariff restructuring and review of all core and non-core functions, as well as effective reviewing and implementation of credit control and debt collection measures;
* Enhancing asset management through integrated infrastructure development and asset management planning to ensure sustainability through planned maintenance and replacement, growth readiness and proper fleet and facilities management; and
* Improving financial administration through proper supply chain management, risk management and addressing audit related issues pertaining to the functioning of the internal audit unit and the audit committee among others.
In the meeting, councillor Nomhle Gaga applauded the financial recovery plan in terms of its focus on the municipality's organogram.
Gaga said the plan has explained the organogram well and urged Council to "move forward" WITH IT.
The 95-page document was adopted in the special council meeting.