Makana councillor Nomhle Gaga announced the latest target for eradicating the bucket system in Grahamstown at a poorly attended IDP meeting in Tantyi on Wednesday 21 May.
Makana councillor Nomhle Gaga announced the latest target for eradicating the bucket system in Grahamstown at a poorly attended IDP meeting in Tantyi on Wednesday 21 May.
Gaga, the portfolio committee chairperson for infrastructure, outlined the municipality’s 2014/15 budget and development priorities. She said water, sanitation and housing were the municipality’s top infrastructure priorities.
Gaga was accompanied by the Deputy Director of infrastructure, Dali Mlenzana and two other councillors.
The Integrated Development Plan (IDP) is a five-year service delivery plan which guides the municipality about the needs of the community. It is reviewed annually.
“By September we are hoping to eradicate the bucket system in Makana,” Gaga said. She said R38 million had been put aside for the first phase of the project.