Grocott's Mail is inviting readers to send in nominees for our annual Newsmaker of the Year award. Every year we select an individual who has dominated news events during the year and has also had an important influence on the life and times of our municipality.
Grocott's Mail is inviting readers to send in nominees for our annual Newsmaker of the Year award. Every year we select an individual who has dominated news events during the year and has also had an important influence on the life and times of our municipality.
Unlike our recent front page story about the Citizen of the Year, the Newsmaker is not necessarily a good, or bad person. We just want to know who made the news.
There is no prize and no material award, but the winner will have the privilege of shouting out loud that the readers of Grocott's Mail know who you are.
We are waiting for your suggestions, but in the meantime, here are a few contenders: Police spokesperson Mali Govender and Municipal Spokesperson, Mncedisi Boma are quoted in almost every edition of this newspaper – so you could argue that one of them should be our newsmaker of the year.
What about Councillor Ranchhod? He is never far from the news, so perhaps he should get your nod.
Let us know what you think.