By Sibabalwe Tame
Eluxolweni Child Youth Care Centre (CYCC) celebrated Heritage Month in style on 25 September with young and very talented children showcasing the meaning of heritage through Marimba, Singing, Drama, and Gumboot Dance performances. The young learners, who also included learners from DCC St Mary’s and Fikizolo Primary stunned the audience with their talent.
Eluxolweni CYCC houses boys aged between eight and 18 years. According to Eluxolweni CYCC manager Linda Mpiyane, the institution is “basically a children’s home” for children from Makhanda, Alicedale, Gqeberha, Kenton-On-Sea, and Port Alfred. She added that what they do is take care of young boys who are orphans or who have been neglected by their parents. The children are placed at the centre by the courts, usually after an intervention by Social Development or Child Welfare.

“We take kids from the community and make sure that they go to school, and grow up well,” said Mpinyane, adding that the institution is for vulnerable kids and orphans.
“It is not a jail. We are here as Eluxolweni just to love, protect and build the future leaders of tomorrow”, she said.
She added that Eluxolweni decided to host the event “because we are losing our culture and also, we are trying to respect all cultures. Our children should know who they are and where they are coming from,” said Mpinyane.

Vusumzi Xhalabile, a former Sarah Baartman District Manager of Sport and former head of Arts and Culture praised the performance, saying “We are holding on to our culture because we want the next generation to do the same.” Mantombi Diniso, a care worker at Eluxolweni CYCC, said that she loved seeing young children dancing and showing off their skills. “It’s been a long time since we had this much fun,” she added.