By Staff Reporter
Old Kingswoodian Stuart Donnachie is making an attempt to swim the 35-kilometre North Channel that runs between Northern Ireland and Scotland. Donnachie, who matriculated in 1997, set off at 4:52 am this morning on the swim, supported by fellow Old Kingswoodians Justin Smith and Paul Beevers.
The three struck up a lifelong friendship when they were in Chubb House together at Kingswood College. Donnachie’s mother, Val Donnachie, was also the San Sister at Kingswood College for 19 years. Smith and Beevers previously supported Donnachie on his previous 14 hour, 20-minute swim across the English Channel in 2019. Today they will be encouraging him again, throwing him food and keeping him entertained as he swims through the 12-14 degree celsius water, battling Lions Mane jellyfish, and strong currents.