A big shout out to SIZO MEDIA for these listings!
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Tuesday, 09 May – Thursday, 18 May
Community Engagement Learning Symposium
The symposium aims to understand the significance of higher education community engagement and determine its relevance and impact for South Africa and the rest of Africa.
@ Amazwi Museum of Literature, 25A Worcester Street
08:30 – 16:00
Bookings: bit.ly/CELSymposium,
Face to face: R2,200 for University Staff and other attendants | R1, 200 for Students and Partners|
Fee includes a symposium pack, teas, lunches, refreshments and additional activities, including a Gala Dinner on Wednesday evening.
Virtual: R500 for University Staff and other attendants | R250 for Students and Community Partner Organisations |

Sunday, 14 May
Mother’s Day Specials
A celebration of Mother’s Day and all of the hard work that they do.
Breakfast Special from 09:00 – 11:30
Lunch Set Menu from 12:00
@ Fork & Dagger, 49 African Street
Bookings Essential: 082 801 2385

Wednesday, 17 May – Friday, 19 May
Yveslight Spelling Contest.
This annual spelling contest started in 2022. This year’s spelling contest includes Grades 4 and 5. Registration is now open, closing on the 10 May.
@ Duna Library, Joza
Arrival time: 12:30
Start of competition: 13:00
Contact Details: 066 4171 238 (calls) and 083 2777 296 (WhatsApp)
R30 entry fee

@ Grahamstown Bowling Club, African Street
*Please note that there will be no U3A this Thursday
due to an Eskom electrical power fault
Grahamstown Bridge Club
@ Grahamstown Bowling Club, African Street
13:15 for 13:30
Contact Sheila Hicks: 083 442 3322
R15 non-members/ R10 members
Live Music with Hennie and Kath
Drink Specials
@ The Pothole & Donkey, 123 High Street
19:00 – 21:00
Free Entry

5km run or walk
Dogs on leads are welcome.
@The Bot Gardens, Lucas Avenue
Register online: https://www.parkrun.co.za/register/
07:45 for 08:00
Free Entry
Mimosas for Mommies
A complimentary mimosa for all mommies, young & old, with your meal
Alcoholic and non–alcoholic options available
@ Nic’s Nest, 65 African Street
07:00 – 15:00
Bookings: 041 010 0435 or admin@nicsnest.co.za

Farmers Market
This weekly market will sell organic (aquaponic & soil grown) vegetables and other artisanal and sustainable goods.
Weather permitting
@ LA Café (Old Provost Building), Lucas Avenue
09:00 – 14:00 (may be earlier depending on turnout)

Texas Holdem Poker
The only legal game in town
@ SSS, 19b New Street
17:30 for 18:00
R50 buy-in | 1 x R50 top-up allowed
Tuesday Pool Competition
Cool prizes to be won
@ Champs Action Bar, Scott’s Avenue
Registration: 18:00
Compo starts: 19:00
Competition Entry Fee: R20/per person.

Pub Quiz
Join us for a fun evening of trivia
@The Rat & Parrot, 59 New Street
R40/per person (Cash only)
Table bookings 046 622 5002

Sing your heart out
@ SSS, 19b New Street
20:30 for 21:00
Free entry

@ Grahamstown Bowling Club, African Street
10:00 – 11:00
R5 entry
Grahamstown Bridge Club
@ Grahamstown Bowling Club, African Street
13:15 for 13:30
Contact Sheila Hicks: 083 442 3322
R15 non-members/ R10 members
Saturday, 20 May 2023 – Organ and Piano duo. Prof Albert Troskie and Dr Erika Bothma will present a recital of music arranged for organ and piano duo. The concert is presented in collaboration with the Music Society of Makhanda. @ NG Kerk (on the corner of Hill and Market Street), 14:00. For enquiries, contact Jon on 076 813 4689. Tickets will be purchased at the door, R50 (full) | R20 (concessions).

Saturday, 20 May 2023 – Carinus Annual Art Auction. Viva La Frida. A range of excellent artworks will be auctioned in a Main Auction and a Silent Auction to raise funds for the art school. Mexican Food and complimentary drinks are included. Not to be missed. @ Carinus Art Auction, 84 Beaufort Street, 18:30. Bookings: 046 622 4543 or jcas@lantic.net. Tickets R160

Saturday, 20 May – Family Movie Night. Presented by This Cinema. Two movies: Disenchanted/ Diary of a Wimpy Kid/ Strange World (family movie) and Beast (adult movie). Venue @ Amazwi, 25a Worcester Street. “Booking essential: David 065 172 2736 ( no tickets for sale at the door).” R80 (snacks included).

Tuesday, 23 May – Book Launch of The Afropolitan Flaneur in Literature by Dr Carol Leff. Dr Leff will be introduced by Prof. Sam Naidu of the Department of Literary Studies in English at Rhodes University. @ Amazwi Museum of Literature, 25A Worcester Street, 17:30 for 18:00. RSVP: info@amazwi.museum

Saturday, 27 May – Project for Preemies – Yarn a Thon. 24hr Charity Drive in awareness of premature infants. @ Albany Club, 114 High Street, 10:00 Saturday until Sunday 10:00. Donations are welcome in the form of your time, supplies or money for supplies. Enquiries: Megan 083 434 0750 or Sandi 062 151 4224.

Saturday, 27 May – Wine and Food Pairing Appetit. Sampling different bottles of wines, comparing vintage and regional variety and pairing it with ideal dishes whilst enjoying good conversation and music. Theme: Monochromes (Winter Edition) @ Albany Bowling Club, Charles Street. 14:00 – 19:00. Bookings: 063 606 8140 / 062 595 9721. R300 per person.

Saturday, 27 May – Fork & Dagger High Tea Buffet. Six servings from the buffet of sweet and savoury treats. Served with a cup of Father coffee, a pot of Steep Box tea or, for an extra R30, a glass of Vondeling bubbly. R165 per person or purchase a Fork & Dagger High Tea Voucher. @ Fork & Dagger, 49 African Street, 15:00 – 17:00. Bookings essential 046 622 3112 or 082 801 2385.

Anyone needing a poster made can contact SIZO MEDIA (Sipho) at 078 733 7203. They will be able to design one for you. The turnaround time is 48 hours.