A big shout out to MEW and SIZO MEDIA for these listings!
Friday 21 April
Nic’s Nest Café & Restaurant Dinner Special
Extended hours
Slow-cooked ribs & quarter chicken combo served with crispy chips and creamy coleslaw
In-store takeaways available
@ Nic’s Nest, 65 African Street
17:30 – 21:00
Bookings: 041 0100 435
R185 per person

Fridays 21 & 28 April
Friday Deck Party
Presented by Blom’s Entertainment
Featuring Mr Doo and DJ Bongeezy
Drinks specials
@ The Rat and Parrot, New Street
22:00 – 02:00
Free entry

Wednesday 26 April
Albany Club Steak Evening
250 g rump: R100 | 500g rump: R140
Served with potato bake and salad
Limited stock; booking essential!
Live music with Gordon Philips
Drinks specials
@ The Albany Club, 114 High Street
17:00 – late
Bookings: WhatsApp 062 736 3922

Grahamstown Bridge Club
@ Grahamstown Bowling Club, African Street
13:15 for 13:30
Contact Sheila Hicks: 0834423322
R15 non-members/ R10 members
WESSA AGM and Rock Art Talk
Talk by Celeste Booth on the Rock Art of the Koonap River Valley and the Winterberg area.
@ Hill Street Manor, Hill Street (across from the Drill Hall)
Contact Leo Goosen: outlook_ 00A41664A3B65798@outlook.com
Free Entry

Live Music with Hennie & Kath
Drinks Specials
@ The Pothole & Donkey, 123 High Street
19:00 – 21:00
Free entry

All Night Banger
Presented by Blom’s Entertainment
Featuring Mr Doo and Friends
@ SSS Top Bar, 19b New Street, Upstairs
21:00 – 01:30
Bookings: 082 477 3689

5km run or walk
Dogs on leads are welcome.
@The Bot Gardens, Lucas Avenue
Register online: https://www.parkrun.co.za/register/
07:45 for 08:00
Free Entry
Annual Child Welfare Bowls Tournament
Child Welfare South Africa presents a fundraiser in collaboration with the Albany Bowling Club
A fun, open bowling day
Lots of prizes to be won
@Albany Bowling Club, Charles Street
Book your team/sponsor for the day
Contact Debbie 071 687 4531 / Sean 072 730 6469
R600 / team (3 players), includes a t-shirt, cap and goody bag

Rock Art Excursion
Celeste Booth will lead an all-day excursion to the Koonap River Valley to view cave dwellings and rock art
Vehicles to meet @ Eden Grove
Depart at 09:00
Please bring water and a picnic lunch
Car Boot Sale
An outdoor market selling second-hand clothes, home goods, great coffee and delicious food.
Weather permitting
@ LA Cafe (Provost) parking lot, Lucas Avenue
10:00 – 14:00
Sarah 073 785 1024
Free Entry

Farmers Market
Sells organic vegetables and artisanal and sustainable goods.
Weather permitting
@ LA Café (Provost), Lucas Avenue
09:00 – 14:00 (may close at 13:00 depending on turnout)

Friends of the Library Lecture
“Backstage at the Ballet”
Doug Bullis describes what it is like behind-the-scenes, during a dress rehearsal of “The Cellist” at the Royal Opera House Ballet in London
@ Amazwi South African Museum of Literature, 25A Worcester Street
Entry by Donation in aid of Friends of the Library

Update on the Makhanda High Court’s Proposed Move
Following the Makhanda High Court’s Action Committee’s engagement with the Moseneke Commission
By Brin Brody & Chane Keese
Hosted by the Rotary Club of Grahamstown Sunset
@ Graemian Centre, Graeme College
Robyn: 071 864 5524
Free Entry

Texas Holdem Poker
The only legal game in town
@ SSS, 19b New Street
17:30 for 18:00
R50 buy-in | 1 x R50 top-up allowed
Tuesday Pool Competition
Cool prizes and vouchers to be won
@ Champs Action Bar, Scott’s Avenue
Registration: 18:00
Compo starts: 19:00
Competition Entry Fee: R20/ person.

Pub Quiz
Join us for a fun evening of trivia.
@The Rat & Parrot, 59 New Street
Table bookings 046 622 5002

Single and Sober Comedy Special with Tsepiso Nzayo
His first one-man show ever since he started comedy in 2012
@ Fingo Multipurpose Centre, Raglan Road (Next to Fingo Library)
20:00 – 22:00
Bookings at Computicket or 073 966 1583
R150 per person

Sing your heart out with Michelle
@ SSS, 19b New Street
20:30 for 21:00
Free entry

Sirion Robertson will be talking about Toxins
@ Grahamstown Bowling Club, African Street
10:00 – 11:00
R5 entry
Treasure Hunt
Hosted by River of Life Church
Sign up in groups of 5
Each person needs a ticket to enter
@ Botanical Gardens
Contact Magda for tickets: 073 446 7648
R10 to play | R40 to play & eat | R30 to spectate & eat

Grahamstown Bridge Club
@ Grahamstown Bowling Club, African Street
13:15 for 13:30
All welcome
Contact Sheila Hicks: 0834423322
R15 non-members/ R10 members
Saturday, 29 April – Makhanda Closed Chess Tournament. Sewelo Chess Academy, in partnership with Rhodes Chess Club, presents Makhanda Closed Chess Tournament, which will be rated by both Chess SA and FIDE (World Chess Organization). The tournament will have four playing sections ( A, B, C and D) @ Rhodes University (Great Hall), 10:00. Bookings: Coach Jerry 063 889 5990. Registration: Section A – R50, Section B- R30, Section C- R20, Section D- Free.

Saturday, 29 April – 2nd Pop-up with Nom. Let’s Dine. Three-course meal. Neutral relaxed colours /nude /off-white /brown /tan. Venue TBA. 14:00 Bookings: +27 67 702 1417. R 400 per person.

Saturday, 29 April – Family Movie Night. Presented by ThisCenema. Two movies: Disenchanted/ Diary of a Wimpy Kid/ Strange World (family movie) – 15:00 and Beast (adult movie) – 18:00. Venue TBA. You can email pmatsika05@gmail.com for enquiries/ to reserve a ticket. Ticket sales will start next week—tickets are R80 (snacks included).

Saturday, 29 April – IIMBEWU Youth Orchestra Concert. The newly formed Iimbewu Youth Orchestra is an exciting collaboration between several Eastern Cape youth music academies. The concert will feature guest artists Siya Makuzeni (trombone and voice) and Zanethemba Mdyogolo (uHadi) @ Guy Butler Theatre, Monument. 16:00. https://bit.ly/Iimbewu. Prices from R30 – R60.

Sunday, 30 April – Bathurst Bookfair – Book Bargains, Lively Speaker Programme, Kids’ Corner. 09:00 – 16:30. Contact Norma: 076 728 1317 or Ian 082 621 1523.
Sunday, 30 April – Ivy and Mafa’s Birthday Celebrations. Featuring Mafa Bavuma from Umhlobo Wenene and Ivy Madyo. @ Phola’s Meat n Malt, E Street (Fingo Village), 14:00 – 01:30. Prices: R80, Gate R100 and VIP R200.

Monday, 1 May – Mother’s Day High Tea. Delicious high tea. Milanda Coetzer as a guest speaker. Prizes up for grabs. Sponsor mothers and special ladies to this special event @ St Patrick’s Hall, 47 Hill St. (next to the library). 14:00. Tickets: Frances Hutton 060 444 2372 / Monika 082 855 0015. R150 per person.

Saturday, 6 May – Community Fundraiser & Fete. Creating a day of fun for family and friends and giving an opportunity and platform for local NPO organisations to get exposure and raise funds. Crafts, plants, jewellery, books and treats for sale. Kiddies’ corner.@ 11 Caldicott Street (Opposite Fiddlers Green and Airies Nest), 09:00 – 15:00. Bookings: Magda 083 406 9554.

Saturday, 6 May – Knocked Down But Not Out! Business Talk and Networking by Seed Journey Publishing, “You have an appointment with the king, look the part” @ Amazwi Museum of Literature, 25A Worcester Street. 14:00. Bookings: Capitec (1629974011), Initials and Surname as Reference. You can also pay at the door. WhatsApp POP: 0662188897 / 0735775130. R200 per person.

Tuesday, 9 May – Thursday, 11 May – Community Engagement Learning Symposium. The aim of the symposium is to understand the significance of higher education community engagement and determine its relevance and impact for South Africa and the rest of Africa. @ Amazwi Museum of Literature, 25A Worcester Street, 08:30 – 16:00. Bookings: bit.ly/CELSymposium Face to face: R2, 200 for University Staff and other attendants and R1, 200 for Students and Partners. Virtual: R500 for University Staff and other attendants and R250 for Students and Community Partner Organisations.

Wednesday, 17 May – Friday, 19 May – Yveslight Spelling Contest. This is an annual spelling contest which started in 2022. This year’s spelling contest has included Grades 4 and 5. Registration is now open, closing on the 10 May. Venue TBC, 13:00. Contact Details: 066 4171 238 (calls) and 083 2777 296 (WhatsApp).
Price R30.

Anyone needing a poster made can contact SIZO MEDIA (Sipho) at 078 733 7203. They will be able to design one for you. The turnaround time is 48 hours.