By Geoff Embling, Democratic Alliance Ward 4 councillor
Progress is being made with plans to fix potholes in the Graeme College area. The National Arts Festival Social Employment Fund (SEF) has now partnered with Makana municipality, and the project is underway. Makana Brick has donated 12 tons of tar and Makana is matching that volume with a further 12 tons.
The tally of donations sent to Makana Revive from Ward 4 donors stood at R13 439 a few weeks ago, and there were more pledges, so it should have increased by now. A big “thank you” to the donors!
As of 3 March, the team has laid 6 tons of tar and the project will still require the initial estimate of R150 000 to do the whole loop mentioned in the previous write up. Makana Brick and the municipality are helping substantially with their input.

Further donations are needed, however, and can be sent to Makana Revive:
Bank account name: Makana Revive Trust
Bank and Branch: Standard Bank, Makhanda
Bank account number: 283 154 012
Branch code: 050917
Swift code: SBZA ZAJJ
When doing an EFT, please include the letters “SEF” and your surname as a reference, so that Makana Revive knows to allocate the money to the roads project.