A big shout-out to MEW for these listings.
Thursday, 2 & Friday, 3 March
Live Music with Julie Baker
Folk/ Rock/ Pop classics
Drinks specials
@ The Pothole and Donkey, 123 High Street
19:00 – 21:00
Free entry

Friday, 2 & Saturday, 3 March
Table Too: Lebanese
Treat yourself to a delicious, exotic four-course meal.
19:30 for 20:00
The cost of the meal is R210/person
Equipped for loadshedding
Booking essential
Phone Junitha 082 671 8558 or Michele 083 960 2366
Friday, 10 – Saturday, 11 March
Makana Meander, Finger Food Supper & Auction
SPCA fundraiser for a much needed animal rescue vehicle
A fine wine experience plus much more
• Makana Meander
Starts 18:30 @ Major Fraser’s – wine tasting & collect entry gifts
Continues on Saturday, 11 March between 11:00 – 18:00 enjoy wine, gin & beer tasting, art, collectible shopping, entertainment and snacks at the various stops: Heat Oppiestoep, The Highlander, Major Fraser’s, The Rat & Parrot, and The Unit.
• Finger Food Supper & Auction
Saturday, 11 March from 18:00 @ The Grahamstown Bowling Club
Wine Tasting (Limited number. Booking essential by 3 March)
Delicious finger-snacks evening with delectable desserts
An unmissable auction
Information & bookings: http://www.makanameander.co.za
076 878 0137
Or purchase tickets at the SPCA Charity shop, High Street
From R140 – R380/ person

18:00 Sunday, 12 March and
19:00 Monday, 13 March
Masicule (10th edition)
Featuring Makhanda’s best choirs and SAMA nominee Dumza Maswana
@ The Guy Butler Theatre, The Monument.
R60/ Concessions R40 (per show)
Booking essential

“How ordinary folk lived 1000 years ago.”
Doug Bullis will illustrate his talk with some of “Cries of Paris”.
@ Grahamstown Bowling Club, African Street
10:00 – 11:00
R5 entry
All welcome
Grahamstown Bridge Club
@ Grahamstown Bowling Club, African Street
13:15 for 13:30
All welcome
Sheila Hicks: 0834423322
R15 non-members/ R10 members
Film: The Colonel’s Stray Dogs
A DocLove Screening
Supported by PESP3 & the National Film and Video Foundation
Organised by the Documentary Filmmakers Association in collaboration with the School of Journalism and Media Studies, Rhodes University
When the 2011 revolution rid Libya of its dictator, Colonel Gaddafi, Ashur Shamis (Libyan Muslim Brotherhood) returns home to find a land vastly different to the one he left behind.
The screening will be followed by a live conversation between the director, Khalid Shamis and Prof. Siphokazi Magadla (Politics Department). The discussion will then be opened to the audience.
@ Amazwi, 25a Worcester Street
13:55 – 16:00
Booking essential
Free entry

Book Launch
The Lost Prince of the ANC: The Life and Times of Jabulani Nobleman “Mzala” Nxumalo
Written by Mandla J. Radebe
Presented by the Journalism & Media Studies school and the Department of Politics and International Studies, Rhodes University
Mandla J. Radebe will be in conversation with Thandeka Gqubule-Mbeki
@ Room 36, St. Peter’s Building (next to Eden Grove), Rhodes University

Greg Short
Guitar & vocals
@ SSS, 19b New Street
R20 entry

5km run or walk
Dogs on leads are welcome.
@ The Bot Gardens, Lucas Avenue
Register online: https://www.parkrun.co.za/register/
Free Entry
The Beginning of Fall
Presented by Backyard Shandis
Appreciating Art in all forms
Open mic evening
Snacks will be served
Pop-up bar open
@ 1 Fraser Street
18:00 – 22:00
Tickets are available from Olde 65
R40 (free for artists)

Hospice Benefit Music Trivia Night
Hosted by the Kingswood College Music School
A cheese & wine, music trivia evening
All proceeds go to Hospice
@ Kingswood High-Performance Centre
19:00. Bookings: cathy@cathybraanspr.co.za
R150/ person or R1500 for a table of 10

Saturday Karaoke
Sing your heart out with Michelle
@ SSS, 19b New Street
20:30 for 21:00
Free entry

Farmers Market
This weekly market will be selling organic (aquaponic & soil grown) vegetables and other artisanal and sustainable goods.
@ LA Café (Provost)
09:00 – 14:00 (may close at 13:00 if it is very quiet)
Weather permitting

Neil Aggett Memorial Lecture 2023 – Lord Peter Hain
The lecture is a tribute to all those brave men and women who laid down their lives in the fight for human rights and social justice. Lord Hain is an activist, politician, and author who grew up in South Africa. He dedicated many years to the fight against Apartheid.
@ Kingswood College Chapel
Booking essential. See the website for more details closer to the time.
Texas Holdem Poker
The only legal game in town
@ SSS, 19b New Street
17:30 for 18:00
R50 buy-in: 1 x R50 top-up allowed
Pub Quiz
Join us for a fun evening of trivia.
@The Rat & Parrot, 59 New Street
18:30 for 19:00
Table bookings 046 622 5002
Sing your heart out with Michelle
@ SSS, 19b New Street
20:30 for 21:00
Free entry
An Evening with Lord Peter Hain
Talk/ Dinner format.
Lord Hain is an activist, politician, and author who grew up in South Africa. He dedicated many years to the fight against Apartheid.
@ High-Performance Centre, Kingswood College
R3500 for a table of 10. Limited single tickets of R350 each are also available
+27 46 603 6614 m.erasmus@kingswoodcollege.com
@ Grahamstown Bowling Club, African Street
10:00 – 11:00
R5 entry
All welcome
Grahamstown Bridge Club
@ Grahamstown Bowling Club, African Street
13:15 for 13:30
All welcome
Sheila Hicks: 0834423322
R15 non-members/ R10 members
If you would like to perform at The Beginning of Fall (a Backyard Shandis event), contact Yonela at 068 021 7167
The weekly Farmers Market still has spaces available for stall holders who sell artisanal and locally produced goods (that don’t conflict with LA Café’s trade.) You can sign up to join in as often as you’d like. Contact Curt on 063 920 6286
Friday, 10 March – Summer Shutdown. Presented by CJs. Entertainment
Performers: Tony B, Classic Keys, DJ Fred O & DJ Megalo. Drinks specials @ SSS, 19b New Street
20:00. Presold tickets available at SSS, R20. R30 at the door

Saturday, 1 April – Potjiekos Competition and Kids’ Carnival. Hosted by the Rotary Club of Grahamstown Sunset. Great prizes for Best Potjie, Best Vegetarian Potjie, Best Kid’s Potjie, and lots of other spot prizes. Many family and kid-friendly activities include races, Easter egg hunts and face painting. @ The Graemian Centre, Graeme College. Starts at 10:00. Winning potjiekos for dinner from 16:00.