Victoria Girls High School produced another sizzling set of results for the 2022 National Senior Certificate. Here are some stats overall:
* 100% pass rate (77 candidates)
* 92% bachelor’s pass rate (71 of the 77 candidates)
* 91% of symbols above 50%
* 42% of all subject symbols are A or B.
* 32% with 70% aggregate and above
* 72 Subject A’s (13%)
* The following subjects had more than 10% of their learners get As:
• Afrikaans (11%)
• Maths Lit (11%)
• Life Orientation (44%)
• Accounting (32%)
• Visual Art (42%)
• Design (50%)

VG communications head Sibu Mkhize attributed the 2022 cohort’s success to “the incredibly hard work of our matrics and the staff who have supported them in their journey thus far.
“Hopefully, 2023 will be as successful,” he said.
Grocott’s Mail will profile more of our local schools and top achievers over the next week.