All 17 St Andrew’s College and the Diocesan School for Girls (DSG) learners who wrote their final Cambridge International A Level examinations in 2022 passed all their subjects.
And 30% of the A-level results were over 80%.
Five of the twelve candidates achieved distinctions for A-Level Chemistry, including three A* (90 and above) symbols. Five of the thirteen candidates in A-Level Physics earned A* or A symbols.
In 2019, St Andrew’s College and DSG introduced a Cambridge International A Levels Stream, giving their students the choice of a recognised and respected international alternative to the mainstream National Senior Certificate (NSC) written through the IEB.
Successful completion of a Cambridge International A Level qualification provides pupils with access to the top universities throughout the world, including South Africa.

2 A symbols, with an average of 81%.

2 A* symbols and 1 A symbol, with an average of 91%.

1 A* symbol and 3 A symbols, with an average of 84%

3 A* symbols, with an average of 93%.

2 A symbols, with an average of 81%.
In addition, a number of Grade 11 A Levels pupils achieved a 100% pass rate and 25% A symbols across their subjects. This bodes well for their A Levels in Grade 12 in 2023.
Particularly impressive was Michael Mulcahy, who achieved 4 A symbols with an average of 92%, Max Coventry, who achieved 4 A symbols with an average of 84%, and Estelle Minas (DSG), who achieved 3 A symbols with an average of 86%. Mia Karimba (DSG) achieved an outstanding 97% for IGCSE French in June 2022.

3 A symbols with an average of 86%

4 A symbols with an average of 84%

97% for IGCSE French