The Friends of the Library Lecture series continues on Monday, 31 October, with a talk by Prof Julia Wells entitled “The secret African education of Thomas Stubbs, an 1820 settler”.
In his Reminiscences, Thomas Stubbs leaves only a few clues about his deep exposure to African people, revealing surprising levels of friendship and cooperation. Upon arriving from England in 1820, his family settled at the Clay Pits, which drew a steady stream of Xhosa visitors.
As a 12-year-old boy, he grew to love the freedom of the Fish River bush, learning all about it from the people who knew it so well. His story demonstrates the possibility of transcending social boundaries.
Prof Wells weighs up the evidence.

WHEN: Monday 31 October 2022
WHERE: Amazwi South African Museum of Literature, 25A Worcester Street
TIME: 5.30 pm Sharp!
All are welcome.
Entry is by donation in aid of the Friends of the Grahamstown Public Libraries – Hill Street, Duna, Fingo Village, Community, Alicedale, Riebeek East & Extension 9.