Dear Editor
The DA’s Ward 4 Councillor, Geoff Embling, is to be congratulated on his article, “A 3-pronged approach to the restoring Makana Municipality” (GM Direct 30.9.22). We don’t hear enough from our Councillors, who are mostly anonymous and prefer to keep it that way because they are not answerable or accountable for the glaring failures of the municipality.
In researching for a recent talk on the history of local government in Grahamstown/Makana to the Makana Friends of the Library, one of the most vital points that emerged was that in the past, councillors, officials and employees of the municipality were driven by civic pride. It was the essential ingredient for an effective municipality which is nowadays lacking, as one can see at a glance.
Many of us remember what it was like in a city where civic pride was the driving force, and the difference between then and now is palpable and painful.
If we, as citizens, councillors, officials and employees of the municipality, re-discovered civic pride, everything would start falling into place, and there would be no need for the more coercive measures suggested by Cllr Embling.
Civic pride is something we expect first and foremost from our Mayor, Cllr Vara. She should make the reinstatement of civic pride her mission.
Yours sincerely
Jock McConnachie