During the veld fire season and prevailing drought conditions, no burning or open fires are permitted within the borders of the Makana Municipality until 31 October 2022.
The advisory comes from the Sarah Baartman District Municipality (SBDM) and the Eastern Cape Provincial Disaster Management Centre (EC-PDMC).
Burning will be allowed under the following strict conditions:
- The Makana Chief Fire Officer must approve all burning operations according to their respective burning permit systems. In the absence of a Chief Fire Officer, the Fire Protection Officer of the local Fire Protection Association must approve all burning operations according to their respective burning permit system and Community Safety By-laws.
- Landowners must apply a minimum of seven days before burning for pre-approval.
- Final approval for burning must be obtained on the day of the proposed burn.
- All bordering landowners must be informed of burning operations in terms of the National Veld and Forest Fire Act (Act 101 of 1998) (NVFFA).
The NVFFA places a duty on all landowners to take precautions to prevent a fire from spreading or causing damage.

The public is urged to be extremely vigilant and to report any fires to 046 622 4444 or 080 111 4444.
Or contact the Sarah Baartman District Municipal Disaster Management Centre on 041 508 7048 or toll-free on 080 022 2238, or Fire Protection Associations, alternatively the Ambulance services on 10177, South African Police Services at 10111 or the Public Emergency Centre at 112.
Any persons contravening this notice may be liable and face prosecution under the Fire Brigade Services Act 99 of 1987, National Veld and Forest Fire Act 101 of 1998) or any other applicable legislation.
For further information, contact Mr K Majokweni at 082 628 3359 or 041 508 7036 of the SBDM or Mr P Mabandla of the EC PDMC on 071 604 3160.
Source: Makana Municipality Communications