A ‘pub crawl’ is a familiar activity, especially among young people in Makhanda; an ‘organ crawl’ is probably less so. Discussion about this intriguing venture (originally planned as part of the Spirit Fest) goes back several years, possibly initiated by the late Stephen Holder.
Further plans were scuppered mainly by Covid. Rhodes student and Cathedral organ scholar Jonathan Hughes has not only revived the idea but organised a programme of five fortnightly Saturday afternoon recitals on ten of the pipe organs in Makhanda.
The first will take place this coming Saturday, 20 August. For those who feel so inclined, lunch will be provided at discounted prices at the Red Café on High Street at 12.30 pm.
The recital will begin at 2 pm in St Bartholomew’s Church and end in the Wesley Methodist Church. Both are on Market Street.
On this occasion the organists will be Christiaan Carstens and Prof Albert Troskie.
Dates and venues after that:
- 3 September: NG Gemeente, Albanie Trinity Church
- 17 September: Rhodes University Chapel, St Andrew’s College Chapel
- 1 October: Baptist Church, Christ Church
- 15 October: Commemoration Methodist Church, Cathedral of St Michael and St George
There will be no charge, but donations will be welcome.
It would be difficult to imagine a more delightful way to spend a Saturday afternoon.